

Hello and welcome to bee good design! We're three happy ladies (who you calling lady?) that love to make art, raise children and generally have fun...probably in that order, too, but don't tell anyone. Have a look around our site, and if you see something that suits your fancy, send us an email. We're happy to sell our art; make commission pieces or just chat about art.

Periodically, we show our art in coffee shops and other shops around Atlanta. Every spring we try to participate in the Inman Park Festival as it is always funky and always fun...a real crowd pleaser. We also like trying new things and new festivals, so please check our shows link for where our art is showing at the moment.

And, of course, if you have any questions or comments, please let us know.  We're happy lot and would love to share that with you!  beegooddesign@gmail.com


The After Party

So we just finished up the Inman Park Festival and are a little road weary, but high on excitement from the weekend. The crowd was great, the weather perfect and as always we are especially grateful for everyone who came by to support us. Thanks to all you return customers and to you new ones too! We expanded our inventory this year and jazzed up the booth. All in all, it was a great time. As we zipped up the booth Saturday night - we headed out to celebrate and toast to a fantastic day.


Seconds later...


Mama's got a brand new bag...

So we are gearing up for the 2012 Inman Park Festival and we've got some new goodies to share. I've been busy making coffee bean bag purses for our booth while Becky and Kate have some exciting surprises up their sleeve. We've all been painting, gluing, sewing, hammering, and wiring our little hearts out. Come on by and say hello if you're in the neighborhood!


packing it up

We've got the latest art work packed and ready for an early morning delivery to Trinity.  The start of a show is always so exciting and full of possibilities.  Can't wait to see it all set up Monday night and see what other artists have been cooking up.

(thanks sarah klassen for the great photo)


This is something I totally struggle with.  So true.