Trying something new

I decided to finally try something I've always wanted to do - learn to sew and I had my first class yesterday at this fabulous place here in Atlanta called Whipstitch.  Now I've tried my hand at sewing in the past, in fact I took a class when I was in the eighth grade - but I need a reboot because let's just say I'm a bit rusty. 

Last spring I dabbled a bit and made this pillow out a tea towel from Target and my daughter's old pants:

I'm not sure where this class is going to lead.  I have grand visions of reusing old coffee bean sacks...but for now I'll stick with our homework assignment of a mitered napkin.  More than anything, it has been a fun way to get the creative juices flowing in a different crafty medium and to remind myself to keep learning new things.  Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted!



mama bleu said...

your project looks great! you are going to love all the things you can do with your sewing machine. how fun!!

bee good design said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence! Who knows what kind of trouble I can get into now :)


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